I don't know what to do....
Each time I see the beauty of you,
Makes me fell brand new....
Every second, every minute, no matter
what I do, all I can see is you,
I'm learning to love you from a distance,
dreaming that someday you will be
beside me....
And I'm beside you asking to like me too....
Is this what you call love at first sight????
Pls. tell me its true...Co'z I'm contented
admiring you ....
This is the time to say how much
I adore you, Co'z if I don't,
I adore you, Co'z if I don't,
I know somebody will do....
Oh! Pls. give me the courage
I needed to...
I am now inches away from you...
And ready to tell that I like you...
but wait!!! She holds your hand
and sitting beside you....
Laughing out loud as if no
one sorround's you...
This is my dream, a vision of
what I use to be...You are
everything to me, but everything
changed and make me turned into blue....
I found my self running and
blinded with my tears....
It really hurt's, really, really
There's no chance for us to be together,
Co'z I know your heart belongs to her
only HER....
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